Monday, November 23, 2015

Sledding Hill Drive

I've secretely dreamt of the day it snowed and I could tell my kids, "Get your stuff on and go play outside.... without me."
I know, Mommy guilt overload.  Heaven forbid I might miss a moment in thier lives I'll never get to re-live.  They might think I don't care about them.  They might enjoy something in their lives I wasn't a part of.  The shame is overwhelming.
I decided to face the guilt and accept the consequences.  Instead of standing in the cold snowy yard pretending I'd never seen children sled or laugh before while staring at a bush thinking of how to convince them to come back inside, I chose to stay inside, alone, editing photos by the fireplace and listening to Amazon Prime music.  Any mommy guilt present vanished almost instantly.
I won't lie.  I went out during the last 5 minutes they played.  With my camera, because I knew I'd have fun editing the photos after the fact.  I'm noticing a selfish trend as the've become older, and it seems to be working for me.  Go figure.
Maisie's always been so dainty, so polite, appropriate and delicate.
And then there's her...
My heart went out to Goose.  Maisie was treating him like a reindeer.
"Nooo Mooore"!  says Goose in his dog voice.

"Oh fine, one more ride"
 You're a good dog Goose.

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