Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Countdown

Here we are, 3 days before Christmas.  I wanted to put red bows on the outside of the house.  I wanted to hang Christmas lights on the banister of the loft and maybe even on the porch pillars.  I wanted to write and send Christmas cards and make an assortment of Christmas treats.  I want, I want, I want.  I sound like a spoiled brat.

Instead I sit next to Molly who came home from school with a fever.  I'm up to my eyeballs in broth and am struggling to come up with stocking gifts each morning that aren't too corny.  This morning I actually shopped the snack basket in our pantry.  Ross was on to me when he pulled out fruit snacks from GG's Christmas and rolled his eyes at me...

I went hunting for cleaver stocking stuffers today and discovered if you have girls, you're golden. If you have a boy who doesn't happen to be into Star Wars, your screwed.  Ross will be looking at Sour Patch Kids gum, lip balm and gummy life savers in the days to come.  I guess it's better than coal. 

As I exchanged $2 in the pasta isle of Fareway this afternoon for a shirt for Maisie off the Winterset Online Garage Sale site, I made a comment to a stranger about all the Holiday madness.  She laughed and said, "We do it to ourselves.  We're all nuts". 

Perhaps she's right.  Perhaps we do bring stress upon ourselves.  Perhaps we're all a little bit nuts.  I've decided I'm okay with that.  I come from a long line of 'nuts' when it comes to Christmas and I've got pictures to prove it.  Therefore, I think I'll pour another glass of wine, stir the broth and revel the fact that I get to sit next to my Moo while the pine-scented wax melts in my Scentsy.  I may not have the time to make this Christmas as "Pinteresty" as I'd like.  But I also know there will come a day when I will.

Until then, pass the nuts.

1 comment:

  1. Nut trees have deep roots . Let Ross know what his future holds ...... Nuts !!!! Beats the jelly of the month club ...... It's the gift that keeps on givin'
