Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 2015

One year ago...
Molly was decorating our Christmas tree.  This was the temporary tree we decorated before I decided
to cut down the ditch tree below.  Stop laughing.

I had just begun to strip this dining room table and Mike was accepting the fact that I'd somehow lost my mind.  The fumes were unusually strong.

Today I sit at the refinished dining room table, next to my 9-foot Christmas tree, with a fire in the fireplace, wine in my glass and the smell of biscotti and Christmas pine in the air. 

Stop right there.

Don't let that paragraph fool you.  Maisie is bawling in the loft because Molly left her alone. Molly couldn't find her nigh nigh and apparently I have hidden it.  Ross calls everyone and everything a chode while thinking it's the most hilarious word in the English language.  Molly just got kicked in the throat and Ross is pissed the girls just selected Pop Pixie on Netflix.  I'm not complaining, really.  Every time I feel frustrated with the stage the kids are in at the moment, I refer back to 2011.  Now THAT was a time for complaining.

So today, I'm giving thanks last year is over.  Also that 2011 is over.  That my kids are getting older, but not too old, that it's not last December, that life has given me opportunities to explore my hobbies and passions, that we have a cat, a dog, a house and some land.  That my kids are healthy and we live in a pretty safe place. 

I took Goose with me to the grocery store today.  He likes mini-van rides.  He wanted the windows down, so I left the windows down.  I swear he sniffed the whole way there.  He kept farting on the way home.  I took him for a run before the kids came home from school.  He ran into a neighbor dog and they smelled each others butts before continuing on their way.  I felt for the neighbor dog.  Especially since Goose ate Kuda's cat turds 2 days ago and they don't seem to be agreeing with him. 

I don't know how that fits into the blog post, other than I realize I have no REAL problems, and man am I grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Eatin' turds ..... Nice ..... And then a ride in da Van ....... Then get to flacueate on owner ....... What a life .....
