Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Spring and the Girls

Spring is on the horizon; I can smell it.  Literally, there was an organic smell in the air this afternoon.  I assume Mother Nature is shaking out her rugs letting us know we're turning a corner.  Either that or the dog farted. 

Mollys had a loose tooth for several months which made me concerned she'd be toothless for years and it'd look like she had a rotten tooth or was homeless.

Nope, I discovered her permanent tooth has broke through the surface.  Looks like we've got an early bloomer.  She's also begun reading.  For real reading.  I don't remember any of my other kids reading in preschool. 
I'm preparing for her period next week.

Maisie is taking voice and piano lessons.  Her voice instructor told her the vocal students perform songs at a church in the spring as a 'recital'.  Maisie wasn't thrilled about singing 'churchy songs' and told the instructor she was only interested in Rachel Platten and Taylor Swift- type songs and didn't want to sing churchy songs. Lo and behold, the instructor said that was A-Okay and I was uber-impressed with Maisie's initiative to speak up.  You go Girl!

Maisie's biggest concern these days is whether her best friend is moving to China.  According to her best friend, if a certain person is elected president, their family is moving to China in the fall. 
Oh, to be in second grade. 

Kratt turns out to be a hitchhiker.  He's skedaddled.  The basement door was left open overnight (relieved I didn't wake up to a possum in the house) and Kratt was outta' here.  So relieved we didn't spend $400 on an amputation surgery. 

Meanwhile, Kuda decided to start pissing on the couch.  Not only that, but I actually watched him take a duke on the couch. 
Guess who has a new outdoor cat and is shopping for a couch?

Either He and Goose will work out their differences or we'll have our own version of the Hunger Games.

Only time will tell. 
Meanwhile, I'm welcoming Spring with open arms.  Dog farts and all, bring it on.

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