Monday, February 20, 2017


Is it weird one of my concerns of moving to the country was Molly hadn't learned to ride a bike?  She and I both have the same traumatic memory of me shoving her on the lumpy grass in the Lutheran Church lawn to the point where she stood up from her bike and said, "Why do you keep pushing me into the grass?" as she held back tears. 

On Saturday, February 18th, she finally figured it out.  I absolutely love the fact that her daddy is in the photos with her as he holds a.... 'Coke'.  It was a 70-some-degree Saturday in February.
Two of my favorite people in the entire universe we're smilin' right at me holding the camera; how's a girl get so lucky?

But when your bike chain falls off you've got to entertain the photographer in other ways.

Swingin' is fun...

But a little adrenaline makes it more fun!

When your big brothers have to fix your ride.

It'll be her car before we know it... take a breath Dad, take a breath.

Sometimes I wonder if hysterical pee-in-your-pants laughter is spelled "s-i-s-t-e-r-s"?
And Maisie's baking/food obsession doesn't fall far from the tree.  She's entered a Winterset Hy-Vee Cupcake Wars contest.  We tested 2 different recipes over the weekend and finally submitted our winner Sunday morning.  If her recipe is in the top 3, she will have 2 hours to bake her cupcakes in March in front of an audience with the proceeds of her winning cupcakes going to the Winterset Theater.  Her cupcakes are a healthy version of Almond Joy's and are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  Our runner up was Cherry Coke Cupcakes (there's a Theater Theme goin' on).

Don't worry, I'll keep ya posted!

Just because.

These two after school.  Did I mention Mack's going out for baseball this summer? 

And the neighbor girl doesn't miss a beat.

Dear Spring, You are WELCOME here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, hysterical peeing your pants laughter is definitely spelled s-i-s-t-e-r-s. :-)
