Monday, October 23, 2017

And the Thunder Rolls...

Not only did Ross' football team win the championship this fall, Ross was chosen to play on the Pride Of Iowa's Youth Football League Championship Saturday night at Graceland University.
Grandma and Papa drove him to practice at 4:30, with the game starting at 6:30. 
However, a storm was moving in.

As we were leaving St. Charles, Grandma called to say Ross didn't have a mouth guard and would need one to play.  
I boiled water, because obviously in a stressful situation, mom's boil water.
Luckily I found Ross' old Cars thermos for the boiling water and make an ice bath in a separate Tupperware.
We knew a Walmart existed in Osceola, which was on our way.
We arrived right as the game was starting (they started early to beat the storm) as I ran onto the sidelines to bring Ross his mouth guard and fitting kit (complete with scissors, boiling water and ice water.  Football moms, you know all about this).

Ross loved this Fall season of Football. He got to play nose guard on defense and LOVED it.  Plowing into the other team made him come alive.

Being chosen to play on the Superbowl Team, I had no idea how much play time or what position he'd be at.  
As he ran onto the field, he took the nose guard position.
He is # 1. 
In so many ways...

He's the bubble butt in red.

 Is it me, or do those two boys in white look a little large for my Tiger Cub?

He doesn't seem to mind.

As the storm rolled in, they decided to forgo a halftime and move right into the 3rd quarter.

#1 has the ball.
The team in black won the Pride Bowl 6-0 at the beginning of the 4th quarter.  They called the game when lightening struck. 

Number #1 has my heart beyond measure.

That smirk.
Cannot wait to watch this boy next fall.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Shopping with Kids

I used to LOVE clothes shopping. 
Clearly that was pre-kids.

I remember scouring Charlotte Russe (for party clothes, of course), Victorias Secret, Limited, Express, maybe a little Younkers and Maurices.  I had all the time in the world and made my own money.  I could spend an entire Sunday afternoon cruising the mall for the latest trends.  And if I wasn't busy updating my wardrobe those days, I'd be doing some ridiculous craft or in the middle of a Lifetime movie marathon.
Oh, the good 'ol days.

Welcome 2017.
My last clothes shopping trip involved all 4 kids.
I could almost hear eye rolls as we made our entrance into Penney's.
The only reason we were even shopping at Penney's was because I stumbled upon a sketchy deal the previous day with a JC Penney checkout lady.

Like 55% off for opening a Penney's card. 
The next day we ventured out to take advantage of this obvious error.  It was like a scene from Julia Roberts shopping in Pretty Woman crossed with an episode of SuperMarket Sweep Gone Wild.
I even pushed a cart.
Seriously, JC Penney's has carts?

Our shopping dialogue went something like this;
Do you like this? Throw it in the cart.
Size is right but you don't like the color?  Who cares, for $3 you'll adjust, throw it in.
  If you need socks or underwear, now is the time.  Load up.
Pajamas?  Go grab pajamas.
They better take my damn coupon.
 I only saved $515 dollars today, sure you don't have another button you could push on your register, I feel like I should be closer to $600?
You guys got amazing deals today.... Yeah, well I've got 4 kids going on 5 next month (as he looked at my non-pregnant belly).
We just got yelled at for pushing the cart up and down the escalator.  We'll, if we get kicked out, at least let me check out with this discount first.

We sorta caused a scene...

Maisie tried on clothes as I snapped a photos before running to the boys changing room to check the crotch space in their jeans.
Shopping with these 4 take stamina and a game plan.

By the end of the ordeal, the kids' blood sugar had hit the floor.
Jimmy Johns it was. Ross is modeling his new belt buckle (which was NOT 55% off).  But there's a wrestler on the buckle which worked as his his leverage.

My Culinary Students showed off their skills for the Elementary Teachers with a Taco Buffet a few weeks ago.
These are my big bundles of joy this year and next week I'm taking them on a field trip to Costco.
It outta be interesting.

Maisie and her best friend have been planning a trip to the Osceola Mexican Restaurant for months. Friday after school Maisie explained she and Kayla wanted Mexican Sunday afternoon.  
Since Kayla didn't have a birthday party this year, I rationalized, Hells Bells, and took them.

The weather was nice enough to sit outside and they were adorable and polite.

And just for fun, below is a shot of my 7th graders doing the Blind Trust lab.
Somehow these clowns make 1st hour worth it.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

2017 Champions

This fall, Ross left the Winterset Football team he spent the past 2 years playing for to become a Roadrunner.
Today, his Roadrunner Team won the district SuperBowl.  

My Ross is not a big guy, but he's smart, fast, aggressive and has an endless supply of energy.  
I'm in love with #33.

 Just one of Ross' victims.  
Go Roadrunners!

I am not taking a picture of the coach's butt, I'm nailing a photo of Ross trying to snag another yard! Swear.

 Ross absolutely loves playing defense.  A position he didn't get to play in Winterset. Although it means he plays THE ENTIRE GAME, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way.  Apparently the kid with the ball told Ross, "I'm gonna f%$*k you up". 
Ross gave him a killer smile before nailing him to the turf after the hike.

Run Baby Run!

Superbowl Champs.  
Best game in all the land today.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Another Week

So, it's been another week which means we're one step closer to having 5 little heartbeats thumping in this house.  We've received updated photos and videos, Visa forms and immigration paperwork.  We are getting close to our little guy being HOME!  In fact, I'm listening to a required webinar as I type....

Mack was home sick today with a fever.  I've learned to identify his sick face and can recognize that big round, red, sweaty Chinese face and know he needs ice water in a glass with a straw, Ibuprofen, thermometer, Gatorade and gummy worms.  He still doesn't call me 'Mom', but it truly is the simple things in life that bring you purpose.  I was SO happy to be able to race home after school to be with him.  He said he needed nothing... but it was a relief to be HOME with him regardless.

I'm including photos to give you a snapshot into our week... seriously... someone pinch me.

There are no words for this man.  
There are a few faces in a lifetime you can trust with ANYHING.
This is mine.

And I pray this is HIS.

This Wild One has only 2 months left with braces.

 And then there's HIM.

He picked out this Cowboy Hat at Boot Barn and decided to use birthday money to pay for it.  His rational... 'I look too good in it to not buy it'. 
Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?

Ummm... sitting on the dock with my girls, next to my man and watching my boys... what the heck did I ever to do deserve this life? 

Whatever it was, I'll take it.