Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Another Week

So, it's been another week which means we're one step closer to having 5 little heartbeats thumping in this house.  We've received updated photos and videos, Visa forms and immigration paperwork.  We are getting close to our little guy being HOME!  In fact, I'm listening to a required webinar as I type....

Mack was home sick today with a fever.  I've learned to identify his sick face and can recognize that big round, red, sweaty Chinese face and know he needs ice water in a glass with a straw, Ibuprofen, thermometer, Gatorade and gummy worms.  He still doesn't call me 'Mom', but it truly is the simple things in life that bring you purpose.  I was SO happy to be able to race home after school to be with him.  He said he needed nothing... but it was a relief to be HOME with him regardless.

I'm including photos to give you a snapshot into our week... seriously... someone pinch me.

There are no words for this man.  
There are a few faces in a lifetime you can trust with ANYHING.
This is mine.

And I pray this is HIS.

This Wild One has only 2 months left with braces.

 And then there's HIM.

He picked out this Cowboy Hat at Boot Barn and decided to use birthday money to pay for it.  His rational... 'I look too good in it to not buy it'. 
Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?

Ummm... sitting on the dock with my girls, next to my man and watching my boys... what the heck did I ever to do deserve this life? 

Whatever it was, I'll take it.

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