Thursday, October 19, 2017

Shopping with Kids

I used to LOVE clothes shopping. 
Clearly that was pre-kids.

I remember scouring Charlotte Russe (for party clothes, of course), Victorias Secret, Limited, Express, maybe a little Younkers and Maurices.  I had all the time in the world and made my own money.  I could spend an entire Sunday afternoon cruising the mall for the latest trends.  And if I wasn't busy updating my wardrobe those days, I'd be doing some ridiculous craft or in the middle of a Lifetime movie marathon.
Oh, the good 'ol days.

Welcome 2017.
My last clothes shopping trip involved all 4 kids.
I could almost hear eye rolls as we made our entrance into Penney's.
The only reason we were even shopping at Penney's was because I stumbled upon a sketchy deal the previous day with a JC Penney checkout lady.

Like 55% off for opening a Penney's card. 
The next day we ventured out to take advantage of this obvious error.  It was like a scene from Julia Roberts shopping in Pretty Woman crossed with an episode of SuperMarket Sweep Gone Wild.
I even pushed a cart.
Seriously, JC Penney's has carts?

Our shopping dialogue went something like this;
Do you like this? Throw it in the cart.
Size is right but you don't like the color?  Who cares, for $3 you'll adjust, throw it in.
  If you need socks or underwear, now is the time.  Load up.
Pajamas?  Go grab pajamas.
They better take my damn coupon.
 I only saved $515 dollars today, sure you don't have another button you could push on your register, I feel like I should be closer to $600?
You guys got amazing deals today.... Yeah, well I've got 4 kids going on 5 next month (as he looked at my non-pregnant belly).
We just got yelled at for pushing the cart up and down the escalator.  We'll, if we get kicked out, at least let me check out with this discount first.

We sorta caused a scene...

Maisie tried on clothes as I snapped a photos before running to the boys changing room to check the crotch space in their jeans.
Shopping with these 4 take stamina and a game plan.

By the end of the ordeal, the kids' blood sugar had hit the floor.
Jimmy Johns it was. Ross is modeling his new belt buckle (which was NOT 55% off).  But there's a wrestler on the buckle which worked as his his leverage.

My Culinary Students showed off their skills for the Elementary Teachers with a Taco Buffet a few weeks ago.
These are my big bundles of joy this year and next week I'm taking them on a field trip to Costco.
It outta be interesting.

Maisie and her best friend have been planning a trip to the Osceola Mexican Restaurant for months. Friday after school Maisie explained she and Kayla wanted Mexican Sunday afternoon.  
Since Kayla didn't have a birthday party this year, I rationalized, Hells Bells, and took them.

The weather was nice enough to sit outside and they were adorable and polite.

And just for fun, below is a shot of my 7th graders doing the Blind Trust lab.
Somehow these clowns make 1st hour worth it.

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