Monday, October 23, 2017

And the Thunder Rolls...

Not only did Ross' football team win the championship this fall, Ross was chosen to play on the Pride Of Iowa's Youth Football League Championship Saturday night at Graceland University.
Grandma and Papa drove him to practice at 4:30, with the game starting at 6:30. 
However, a storm was moving in.

As we were leaving St. Charles, Grandma called to say Ross didn't have a mouth guard and would need one to play.  
I boiled water, because obviously in a stressful situation, mom's boil water.
Luckily I found Ross' old Cars thermos for the boiling water and make an ice bath in a separate Tupperware.
We knew a Walmart existed in Osceola, which was on our way.
We arrived right as the game was starting (they started early to beat the storm) as I ran onto the sidelines to bring Ross his mouth guard and fitting kit (complete with scissors, boiling water and ice water.  Football moms, you know all about this).

Ross loved this Fall season of Football. He got to play nose guard on defense and LOVED it.  Plowing into the other team made him come alive.

Being chosen to play on the Superbowl Team, I had no idea how much play time or what position he'd be at.  
As he ran onto the field, he took the nose guard position.
He is # 1. 
In so many ways...

He's the bubble butt in red.

 Is it me, or do those two boys in white look a little large for my Tiger Cub?

He doesn't seem to mind.

As the storm rolled in, they decided to forgo a halftime and move right into the 3rd quarter.

#1 has the ball.
The team in black won the Pride Bowl 6-0 at the beginning of the 4th quarter.  They called the game when lightening struck. 

Number #1 has my heart beyond measure.

That smirk.
Cannot wait to watch this boy next fall.

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