Sunday, December 3, 2017

Never Seen Photos from China

 Since I have to be politically correct for Facebook regarding our trip to China, it's 'bout time I share  the un-cut images which were never posted. 

Yeah, so the question is, "What was wrong with Mike?"
My response, "Take and look and you tell me."
Nothing a Chinese IV drip couldn't cure.
But his breath.. woof!

And the snoring situation was something other-worldly.
Hey Jayson, meet your new daddy!

When we arrived at our hotel in Guangzhou, we were told our room was a king bed and they'd roll in a cot.  
Oh no, not gonna work. 
I MADE RESERVATIONS and made sure they were aware I was little torked.
Their response, "Okay, if you can wait about 2 hours, we can upgrade you to a room with 2 double beds on the executive floor.
"Um, okay."
The executive floor comes with a lounge including breakfast on your floor, coffee/tea time from 2:30-4:30 and cocktail/appetizer from 5:30-7:30.  All at no cost.
Again, "Yeah, that will work". 

One night as we were 'wrapping things up'.  
Mike was in bed...

 Maisie loved to hang through this opening and sing, "Hello from the other side..."

Maisie claims her favorite part of the trip was at the North Carolina airport.  The kids pretty much took over the entire waiting area.  

During this flight, Jayson ended up dumping his apple juice off his tray and the juice landed in Mike's shoe.  Mike turned with his ear plugs in and announced very loudly,

 In Hong Kong we had to catch a cab from the train station to the airport.  Mike got to ride shotgun.  They drive on the other side!
The driver gave us his business card and told us to look him up next time we're in town!

Now that we're home, it's a constant adjustment. I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life.  Jayson barfed all over me at the doctors office the day he got shots.  He also had a bone age scan done that day which came back saying he was between 3 and 5.  
So there's that.

As we work to put this puzzle together, create a new weekly routine and make sure the Elf on the Shelf gets rotated each night (easier said than done), we'll be just fine.

Until then, I'm afraid I won't be getting Holiday Cards out once again this year. 
So with that; Happy Holiday!

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