Monday, December 11, 2017

Long Grove 2017

It felt like just yesterday we were hauling boppies, pumps and pack n' plays to Long Grove for Christmas. 
This year we just hauled more kids.

I remember a few of G'funks traditions.  
The Claussen Pickle Spears in the Crystal Cut Boat-Shaped Dish. 
Oysters with the Triscuts.
BV on the refrigerator.
Super buttery oyster soup.
The chocolate tree.
The blue bulbs.
Crispy Chocolate Santa Shaped Chocolate Bars in the stockings
The static of tinsel on your socks. 
That pocket door between the kitchen and living room.
That orange carpet.
The lit-up Santa on the breezeway door.
The vanilla almond bark marshmallow peanut butter candy and the White Moon Cookies.

If I could go back in time at my current age, I know it would feel different. 
Smaller somehow.

So as I watch GG and Papa Green begin their own traditions, I pray they will hold as special a place in my childrens' hearts as my Grandparents held in mine.

I LOVE that GG has sugar cookies ready for the kids to decorate.  My favorite part... when the kids get bored and I get to decorate a few on my own, when I can spend more than 5 minutes on a cookie if I wanted to.  
What a treat!

This year it felt as though Papa had a days worth of hair to cut.  So many boys!
So, we turned the barbershop/workshop into a makeshift pre-party room!

 Complete with freshly cracked black walnuts!

 I love this photo of GG serving green beans to some of her babes.

 And Aunt Heather couldn't have been cuter holding my baby boy who was probably announcing, "yeah".

He got his very first Papa Haircut.

He and Sam played Donkey Kong.

The girls had a very special dance routine to perform after dinner.  I'm sure someone's already posted it to Utube. 

As the door to the gifts opened...

Papa modeling a few of his new gifts.
 Papa enjoying some of his new gifts.

The original '4 kids'.
Look what we did!

My old lunchbox now holds all the matchbox cars. 

These 3 boys will always have something special. 
Besides the matching Carhartts!

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