Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Morning 2017 Style

I'd hoped to write some awesome blog about Christmas this year.  Especially since it was my favorite Christmas to date.  
However, words don't seem to do the emotions justice.  So I'll let the photos do the talkin'  (sort of)

Watching Molly open her gift from Maisie was precious... but even more precious; 

was Maisie's face as Molly opened her gift. 

Christmas, once again you've stolen my heart.

Yep, the Boyd's are now proud owners of a Cotton Candy Machine.  It was bound to happen...

And this.

And because we like to keep the boys guessing, they had to sit through the littles opening their gifts, while no gifts under the tree had their names on them. 
Pathetic, right?

They had a riddle to solve.  The clue was located inside of the tree.

Ross got his bow and went into shock.

And Mack got the gift every 14 year old either wants, or already has. 
A phone.
No more being stranded at school wondering if someone is coming to pick him up after practice.

And I took a step back to soak it all in.  To see... really, really see. 
Not just the mess of boxes and wrapping paper.  Not just the gifts spread from wall to wall. 
But to see the look of true joy, of hope and of possibilities in their faces.  
The magic of Christmas, the love language of gifts and the knowledge that they are mine.
All 6 of 'em.

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