Thursday, December 14, 2017

Holiday Catering with Teens

Turns out I like to stress myself out.  
Go figure.

Wednesday December 11th, I had 2 caterings to pull off. 
And yeah, I teach full time too.

Thank God for retired Mother-In-Laws who can preheat the crockpots/Insta-Pots and bring the dishes and leftovers home afterwards. 
LUCKY doesn't even come close. 
It was a huge hit- incase there was any doubt ;)

My Culinary Arts students, (whom I can't stand yet love at the same time) catered a meal to the St. Charles Lions Club for their 'Ladies Night Holiday Celebration' at 2 Saints Winery in St. Charles last night.

For starters, DO NOT OVER-brown the lasagna.  And if you do, have shredded mozzarella to melt over the top readily available. Otherwise you may need to make a speedy trip to your house in a school minivan WITH a student 15 minutes before serving time and come awful close to smearing a deer on the way... Also, check the  lasagnas before freezing and cooking as one group may have forgotten to add cheese and chicken which wont be discovered until your ready to set the buffet, leaving one lasagna in-edible.

Also, people don't eat nearly as much salad as you plan for (or bread). 
Lastly, EVERYONE loves cheesecake and the recipe I received from a dear friend saved my arse last night.

These kids make me nuts- yet I'd be so bored without 'em.

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