Friday, September 29, 2017

Garage Sale Heat, Meal Prep and Waiting

Last week was seriously, the HOTTEST first weekend of fall I remember in a very long time.
We just so happened to have a massive garage sale going on at the same time.

What is it with fundraisers and heat?

Molly was wishing she'd remembered a pony tail holder to get that hair off her neck Friday evening. Maisie just had to hold it for her.

The lemonade stand was a pathetic attempt to earn extra profit.  The girls ate and drank the majority of the inventory and the first 25 cents was found within the landscaping.

It kept them out of our hair.

Regardless of the work involved pulling it off, we ended up making over $2000 and got rid of a lot of crap.

I've also realized most of the junk I hold onto is just that. 

Junk nobody wants. 
Most of it I couldn't even GIVE away.  
We all need a moment for that lesson to soak in.

These days, as I work to figure out this full-time career, mother of soon to be 5, I've learned weekend meal prep is the only way to go.

Sundays are all about getting AT LEAST 4 oven-ready meals prepped.  Boiling eggs, making dog treats, getting the cold luncher snacks and sandwiches prepped, vegetables diced and bread baked.   2 loads of laundry HAVE to run each day and the dishwasher runs once, if not twice/day.   This weeks menu included Pot Pie, Harvest Quinoa Soup, Broccoli Chicken and Rice and Chicken Taco meat.  Can you tell chicken was on sale last week?

Speaking of getting rid of things we no longer need, Molly is riding a 2 wheeler like nobodies business and doesn't mind parting with her powerwheels.  Apparently Frozen is 'so two years ago' anyway.

And yes, our little guy is anxiously waiting for us to come for him.
I can hardly stand the cuteness factor.

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