Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hydration and Socialization

A year ago we were Google translating EVERYTHING. 
Today Mack played in his first home football game. 
He plays on 'special teams' and goes in for maybe 20 seconds at a time when his team is kicking to the other team.

The focus on hydration throughout the game stood out to me as I sat in the bleachers. 
Especially with our Mack.
Mack has always loved beverages... so much more than food.  The drinks are just 'where it's at' for him. 
Once I noticed it, I couldn't help but point out to Mike, "Mack goes into the game, does a small jog- like 10 seconds- , then runs directly to the water bottles on the sidelines".  
I mean, #15 is seriously hydrating himself well!

Runnin' in for a drink...

And when I stopping focusing on Mack's hydration levels and wondering if I'd need to clean the toilet rims in the morning, I discovered someone on the sideline who just didn't belong. 

It's Ross. 
Mr. Personality found a way to weasel his way onto the sideline to chat up the 7th graders during the game.
This boy of mine... honestly. 
He loves nothing more than good conversation and isn't afraid to invite himself into one, wherever it may be.

But ultimately, these two young men of mine have SO much in common.  Mack knows football may not be 'his thing'.  But he absolutely LOVES being around other kids and being part of a team.  Number 15 may not touch the ball AT ALL this fall, but he's a Roadrunner, he's number 15 and he's Mack. 
We thank God he showed up, the team just wouldn't be complete without him.

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