Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our Boy Is Waiting

This week we received Letter Of Approval on our handsome 7 year old.  According to his nanny, he is "so ready" for us to come for him.  He just began attending public school (kindergarten because they couldn't get any resources for him to attend 1st grade).   

Something about his smile, his little teeth, the sparkle in his eyes and the intent of his gaze make me say, "ding, ding, ding. this one is MINE!"  I've written about the ache I felt knowing Mack was mine, living across the globe and wanting nothing more than to bring him home forever.  I looked at Macks orphan photos and imagined my Ross in his shoes.  God has His ways of getting His babies home.  Now that Mack's home and OURS, my heart is clinging to the idea of wrapping Jayson up in a forever hug and welcoming him to live in my heart for eternity.  

I clearly remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Maisie.  It's no secret she was MORE than planned.  Mike openly shares the details of that summer when the topic comes up.

It was our anniversary.  August 14, 2007.  I had miscarried 5 months prior which shattered me, yet made me realize God clearly had a plan for our family.  I peed on the stick, and forced myself not to look at the results until after I got out of the shower.
It was a +.  
Racing downstairs, buck naked, showing Mike the stick and wishing him "Happy Anniversary" will forever be a permanent snapshot in my mind.  

After Mack came home last September, we didn't know we'd adopt again.  Seriously, the cost is beyond crazy and adjusting to a foreign speaking child is a challenge in itself.  However, there was a constant tug at my heart.  And yes, I'm the conservative one in the relationship.  Therefore, the door never shut.  There were a few Chinese kids' files we'd look at and discuss, but nothing that made us stop and press the 'go' button.

That's when I saw the video and read the story of Jayson.
I clearly remember it was March 2017.  A good friend of mine had instant contact with Jayson's orphanage director and asked for an update on him.

Ironically, I woke up the next morning, took a shower and was beginning to get ready for work when I got the results of the update.  The video had my heart from the start.  I wasn't going to let this kid go. He was OURS.

I stepped out of the bathroom, again buck naked (for shock value, of course), and literally told Mike if we could just try for this little boy I'd never ask for anything again.

Apparently it worked because 6 months later, here we are.

Yes, we've spoken with him.  This was his birthday with his orphanage director.

And us.  Ross, laid back as ever.

Of course there will be more and more updates.  But today my heart is full knowing my 5th baby is waiting eagerly for our arrival, and knowing China said "A-Ok".  Hoping to get him on or around my birthday. 
How great is our God?!

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