Monday, May 6, 2019

The Boyd's Nest

While camping at Ledges Saturday, I told Mike I wanted to name the Motorhome "The Boyd's Nest.  

Let's face it, I'd already created a YouTube page titled "The Boyds Nest" a month ago in anticipation of including live footage of our adventures.  

I'm not a huge bird fan, but Boyd's Nest just kinda works for a lot of reasons.  

Mike wasn't so sure.
He needed to sleep on it.

Poor Mack is going to learn to drive a bus before he even takes drivers ed.
We sent the boys up the road for firewood with $5.

A little football followed.

By a couple hikes.

Then the fire was finally started.
Mack's always been drawn to the fire.

And by the time the sun went down, Mike agreed to calling the Motorhome "The Boyd's Nest".  

Right after he discovered THIS sitting next to the electrical meter at our site... our first trip out... our first motorhome... our first adventure of hundreds... 

Some things are designed by the stars... 
The Boyd's Nest it is.

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