Saturday, July 20, 2019

Archery Champion

The county fair holds an annual archery competition.  
Ross wasn't positive about participating for fear he'd suck.  
He does pretty well with the beaver target in the front yard, but still.  
There was a $100 prize for ages 17+.  
16 and younger was a $25 prize.  Ross decided $25 was worth risking his pride.

The shooting range was set up on a flat, sunny field.  
The feels like temp was pushing 110+.  
I thought the flies were landing on me but it was just dripping sweat.  
Such a waste of make-up kind of day.  

And this boy-man rocked it.  
He was calm, respectful, observant, and a natural Viking.
Plus, he was one of the few who didn't have a sweat line creeping down the butt crack of his shorts. 

He knew he was doing well after the first couple of rounds and used hand gestures to alert me of his success.  
He's never been terribly discreet.  

They had to shoot in different circumstances.  One station had them shooting a spinning fish target.  Another had them shooting from a chair and another was shot while standing on sideways 2-by-4's.  
They had 3-dimensional targets placed at varying targets the contestants had to adjust for.
There were 200 points possible so I'm guessing 20 shots at 10 points each.
We sat there for nearly 2 hours.

That's when he informed me the prize wasn't $25, but a $100 Sheels Gift Card.
We're all aware of how Ross feels about gifts and money, right?

They had to shoot in different circumstances.  One station had them shooting a spinning fish target.  Another had them shooting from a chair and another was shot while standing on sideways 2-by-4's.  
They had 3-dimensional targets placed at varying targets the contestants had to adjust for.
We sat there for nearly 2 hours.

He won with 153 points.

As if there was any doubt...

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