Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Knives and Goats

This girl loves to help.  
She insisted on cutting the watermelon from Costco by herself.  
I suggested she use the cutting board with the "gutter" edges on it for the juice.  
She explained that one was dirty, so she put a towel under the cutting board to catch the juices.  
I asked her if she needed me to get her started, to which she was insulted.

Her knife is a sharp Santoku from the Asian market.  

She's got this.

Look out peeps, my 8-year-old has the knife skills of a ninja.

In other news, we loaded a goat into the back of the van and hauled her off to fair today.  
She was PISSED.

Spent my morning picking out a show barn shirt for Ross from the Boot Barn.
The show is Wednesday at 1.  
Stay tuned...

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