Monday, July 15, 2019

July Bug Bites

The bug bites are fierce right now.  
Aside from the one Ross has on the rim of his penis head which he just can't scratch well, I think I've been shown each one.  
Sunday night Maisie looked as though she'd been beaten across the forehead with a bat, and this morning her eye was completely swelled shut.  
The hydrocortisone cream doesn't seem to be working, and it's not even expired yet.  The calamine lotion is getting a workout as well as the Benedryl.  
Kids have been so sleepy today...

I showed the girls my hack of burning the insect venom out of bug bites with very hot water and a metal spoon. 
They tried it but weren't impressed.

We RV'd at Green Valley last weekend and the flies were thicker than thick.  
The kids actually broke the flyswatter.
The boys began collecting the fly carcasses in a ziplock back for a cremation ceremony later in the evening.

I have to admit our campsite was the closest one to the dumpster, and even closer to the black water dump station, which couldn't have helped our bug scenario.  
However, upon departure, which allowed us a front-row seat to everyone dumping their shooter tank as I cooked breakfast Sunday morning, Ross discovered some dead bluegill behind the dumpster and claimed he'd discovered the source of the weird odor.

Or did he?

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