Friday, August 16, 2019

Cast #1

9 days after surgery, the surgical pad (aka: meat tampon) was peeled off to reveal the surface wound.  
I was prepared for it, as naturally I had already asked the surgeon to share the operating room photos he took for educational purposes before we left the hospital.  

The organization of the human body has always fascinated me and seeing a photo of Ross' calf muscles exposed on an operating table only enforced my confidence in a higher power.

At Iowa Ortho, he had x-rays to ensure the pins were still in place, followed by the placement of a full-leg cast.
In Ross' words, 
"It basically goes up to my taint."

And he's hobbling around the house right now knowing football camp starts Monday, had to cancel going to a friends swimming party Saturday, and being an 'almost 14-year-old' who needs his mom to help him shower, he's aware this sucks.

But fortunately he realizes he still has 2 legs, 2 feet, a healthy body and a free pass to as many McDonalds chocolate shakes and episodes of The Office he can handle.  

In a year, he will only have a scar to remind him of this time.
And chic's dig scars, right?

His scar tells a story.  
It's a reminder of when life tried to break him, but failed.

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