Monday, August 12, 2019


We were discharged from Mercy room 393 Thursday morning and couldn't be more relieved.

Now we await the collection of paperwork to submit to the accident insurance I randomly signed up for last December.
Fingers crossed!

And in the midst of it all, we had a birthday party for Molly at a waterpark hotel.
Large family scenarios.

Thanks again Heath, you totally saved me on this one.

A month ago Molly told me she only wanted cash and candy for her birthday.  However, when the big day arrived, she desperately wanted something to open. 
We just returned from the hospital and all I had was cash and candy.
Apparently, it wasn't enough and according to her, her birthday was the worst birthday EVER.
Magically, Grandma Boyd showed up with a birthday trip to Duncan Donuts followed by a trip to Walmart where Molly could spend her birthday money.
We came home with a hoverboard.  
Just incase your wondering why my ankle is all skinned up right now, there's a specific way to dismount from these things. 

One week later...
Ross is home on the couch watching countless episodes of the office
I'm learning to help him shower, dress, travel, poop, medicate and sleep.
Molly is 9.
Mack got his drivers license.
My mom and mother-in-law know my love language is a clean house, clean laundry and entertained, fed kids.
I go back to work in 2 days.
My entire family is home, safe and under one roof.
I couldn't feel luckier.

Mike doing goat chores for me after he was dressed for work.  
He has my whole heart.

Ross had to get off the couch today.
We took Jay to therapy, picked up a prescription, 2 bags of stall pellets from Tractor Supply, fly strips and mouse bait from Menards.
He was tired, but he did it.  
With 2 legs and 2 feet.

The visitors, the cards, the frozen meals and popsicles, the prayers, the gifts, balloons... seriously peeps- you've outdone yourselves.
Friday afternoon we go back to Iowa Ortho to figure out what's next.

Meanwhile, we take it day by day. 
And I'm beyond grateful.

1 comment:

  1. This year's last chance workout before school starting is definitely different. It's all about perspective though...
