Sunday, August 25, 2019

Casts and Bruises

13 and 14 year olds continue to be what you probably remember 13 and 14 year olds to be.

So when Ross came home the first day of school with various "bones" on his cast, I wasn't too surprised when he explained they were covered up penises.  
The cast removal nurses will love it.
The covered up penises, Homer Simpson, hearts from girlfriends, Peppa Pig, homosexual jokes, names spelled wrong and crossed out, secret codes and more...
Does it get any more complicated for a middle school cast than this?

But he's doing well and planning to attend football practice after school tomorrow as a way to be part of the team as the season kicks off.

Mack is still on the vehicle hunt, but we are hopeful that by the end of the week he has some wheels to get him to work and back.

And our biggest concern this weekend is wtf is up with Maples face.  
Appears to be some sort of absess near her nasal passage.  

I've done more research on goat obsesses than I've done for ANY of my masters classes and I've come to the conclusion its either a bite from a wasp, bee or snake- an obsessed tooth- a puncture wound from her sisters horn- stuck cud - or larvae in her nasal passage.  
Believe it or not, this is good news considering what it could be.

I found myself driving to Tractor Supply in DeSoto first thing Sunday morning for goat penicillin, needles and injectors.  My first time injecting penicillin was absolutely terrifying for all involved.  Lets just say it took more than 2 tries and the needle eventually came out of Maples muscle side ways.  
Tractor Supply was out of the long lasting penicillin, meaning I'll have to do this every morning for the next 4 days.  

Lord help me.

In other news, I fell off the goat barn ladder this week pulling hay out of a bale and landed on my leg.  Thankfully I didn't hit a goat as I came down. 
These are the Days Of Our Lives.

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