Saturday, August 8, 2020

Friend Parties

 The 10th Birthday friend party is DONE.

Molly's suddenly into making random expressions for the camera.  
Feeling blessed she actually cares and at least makes eye contact.
Feeling extra blessed we only had one puker (it was no bigs and she hit the toilet straight on.  Not her first rodeo at our house)

I'm one of those parents who really doesn't mind slime.  

But glitter slime- Nope!  

Not impressed with this gift. 

I feel sabotaged.

Swimming was a hit for those in the water.  
For this mama, who was sweating through her shirt, struggling through a rough bout of PMS, being bit by flys, and listening to Jay complain about being wet and hot and providing a dialogue of Back to the Future scenarios he insisted I participate in, while Maisie whined about any and every physical ailment she could think of before finally threatening to "pee her pants," I was starting to consider all my options for surviving the afternoon.

These two were floating along as I told them they looked like an old couple and I wanted a picture.  

Molly immediately giggled and said to her friend "Get over here fatty!"  

At the same time I felt completely mortified, I began to wonder how much better life would be if we could all live and act like we were 10 years old again.

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