Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Molly Turned 10

On a picture perfect Saturday night I took these 3 rascals to a drive-in movie at the school.  

They were SO excited.  You'd have thought we were heading to the moon.


Of course we had to pack ALL the outdoor furniture cushions and old comforters I store in the house to create a bed in the back of the truck incase they got too sleepy.

Oh, and the movie didn't start until 9.
Sheesh!  Thankfully we didn't have to sit through previews.

Jay looks completely uninterested as he stares into space and itches his balls inhte below shot, but I promise he enjoyed the movie too.

And because we weren't born yesterday, we knew to smuggle our own popcorn in brown paper grocery sacks. 

Molly's ACTUAL birthday finally happened on Monday.  
She was a super-crab when she woke up because the box fan in her room stopped working the night before which made her too hot to sleep and Maisie was scared of a creepy doll coming to life and haunting her. 

Therefore, both girls ended up on the couch through the night and were woken super early by Jay talking to his Roblox characters.

But, the show had to go on and ear piercing was on the morning agenda.  
Yes, she's had her ears pierced before, but they closed up.
So we packed into the truck and made our way toward Des Moines as we noticed the crazy dark storm clouds rolling in.  

I figured we could beat it.  My truck does have EcoBoost (as Jay taught me).
But then the rain started.
And then the wind.

I told the kids I was thinking of pulling over, to which they replied, "NO, just go Mom."
So with my hands at 10 and 2, music blaring through the radio, Molly looking a little nervous and Maisie saying how much she loved the threat of storms, we continued down the interstate through the derecho.
We had ears to pierce for crying out loud, and we weren't going to let anything stop us.
Claires, or Bust.

And that, was that.  

Her ears are pierced and she's officially 10.

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