Thursday, July 21, 2022

All About The Teeth

What is it about our family and teeth right now?

I'm starting to really understand the song, "Don't Blink"

Well, it turns out I blinked, and apparently my littles aren't that little anymore.  

Check out those baby teeth!

The very first tooth is always significant.  Whether it's coming in or falling out.  

Once those big teeth come in, it seems their whole face changes.

These have been in for quite some time, but as beautiful as her smile is, her bottom teeth are crowded.

So, we decided to make her smile even 'beautifuller'

She's not great with pain and insists she can't each much besides puff corn and ice cream.
Uh-huh.  Nice try darlin'. 
Let me scramble some eggs for you while you mash some banana with your tongue. 

In 2 years these brackets and bands will come off and once again I have a feeling her whole face will change to resemble the woman she is becoming.

In the meantime, I'm going to try not to blink.

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