Monday, July 25, 2022

Cooking, Needlepoint and Dogs

You can tell the air conditioning is set too low when everyone's wearing a sweatshirt on the hottest day of the year.

Molly had the itch to cook over the past week.  


Brownies from scratch straight out of the Hershey's Cookbook.  

On a side note, you can see Maisie trying to gum some cut-up homemade hot pockets in the photo.  

Her teeth are starting to feel a little better.

And guess why our Basil plant has been wiped out.

She tackled pesto this week.

As well as the homemade hot pockets mentioned above.

Maisie doesn't share the same cooking enthusiasm, but for only $4.50 at the Dollar Store has taught herself embroidery. 

The 2 kids who still like to hang out with Mom and Dad

And Jasper just wishes he could be like us humans.

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