Monday, July 11, 2022

So Alive


Before Maisie (aka) Sugar Plum was born, I began a "Baby Site" as an everlasting love letter to my kids.  I recall my very first post was about Ross trying to bring a dead bird back to life.  I think back to all the experiences of having, adopting, and raising kids since that first post and having Mike steadily by my side through it all.

And I can't remember all those moments.  Blame it on age or the wine, it doesn't matter.

This is why I continue.  Maybe if I ever lose my memory, Mike or the kids will read some of my words back to me over and over again and I will again feel "so alive" if even for a moment...

Long before I was married I went on a work trip to Manhatten, Kansas.  Not exciting and I have no clue what it was about.  The older woman I was traveling with was probably ancient, hovering around 40.  She was going on and on about her kids and recent divorce.   She made a statement I don't think I'll ever forget.  It had something to do with how the trials of life make you 'feel alive'.  Even when things are tough- they sure do make you feel ALIVE.  

Jasper hasn't gotten any good bites in lately.  It could be partly due to his training classes.  

While we were in Alaska, he "lived" with Nancy, the dog trainer, and groomer. She's

assertive, experienced, and refuses to take any of his crap. 

Just what the doctor ordered.

Last weekend was the New Virginia Tenderloin Stand, which is one of Cafe 35's Hallmark events.
I spent days lining students up to volunteer to take a shift.
I didn't have to beg Maisie and her bestie Amelia too hard as they and Molly are my right arms at these gigs.

However, some boys showed up and Molly wasn't having it.  She wanted all the jobs and these boys "sucked"
I tried to keep her temper tantrum discreet, but these boys caught on quickly.  Before I knew it they made a cocky remark to Molly, Molly reacted and it was on like Donkey Kong. 
Not physically thank God- cause I'm afraid Molly would have hurt them.

Molly sat on a bench crying hysterically and begging me to 'kick these boys out of the tenderloin stand," as I encouraged and praised the student's hard work and customer service skills. 
This went on for over 2 hours.
Sometimes I wonder just how Bad-Ass God thinks I really am.
'Cause I'm legitimately starting to question my abilities.

Back at home Molly and 2 friends organized a lemonade stand.  
After 3 hours they raised $104.
I realized that's more than a substitute teacher makes in a day at our school.
Just thinking out loud...

And because weekends aren't often memorable unless an ER visit is included, Molly dropped the sheet metal spikes of her "Molly's Fainting Farms" sign on her toe Sunday afternoon while she was putting it in the new storage building.
She feared her toe was "dangling" off her foot and would not let us touch it.  
Fortunately for Accident Insurance, Mike and I didn't hesitate to take her to the ER to make sure her little piggy would survive the injury. 


Turns out the puncture didn't affect any tendons or bones and was nothing some bacitracin and a bandaid wouldn't fix. 
Sort of embarrassing?  yes.
But did she feel especially loved by her mom and dad?  yes. 
And at the end of the day, what else really matters?

We received a message our goats are thriving in their new pasture and keep near each other.  
Although we will miss them, our goat stage has ended.  
Our goat years will always hold a delicate place in our hearts as they brought responsibility, unpredictability, and joy to our family.

I don't know why I'm posting this photo. 
 I came across it and thought "wow- my bios are some serious sniffers.

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