Thursday, July 18, 2013

Change Jars

Ross and Maisie won’t stop fighting.  I started money/change jars to encourage them with a reward system.  Today was the first day.  It’s going something like this:

Ross: I don’t even care about having the money.  I didn’t even get any money today.  Only money taken away.

Me: When should I have given you money?  When you took Maisie’s ring from her, or threw a fit when I beat you at Wii bowling, or when you bragged to Maisie about getting to invite 2 friends over on Friday?

Maisie: Mommy, I love your shirt, I just love when you wear it.  It’s so cool.

Ross: Why should I even care? The Dollar Store is full of junk anyway.  You can have the money back, or I’m just going to throw mine away in the trash.  Money’s stupid.

Me: Ok, fine, I’ll give yours to Maisie.

Ross: I don’t even care, I don’t want it. I don’t want to do this stupid money thing because it’s just trying to get us to be good so we can go buy a piece of crap.

Maisie: Mommy, I love you so much.  I’m so glad we started the money jars.  It makes me so happy.  I just want to buy some special things from the Dollar Store like glitter!

Ross: I hate this dinner.  I can’t believe this is all were having tonight. 

Maisie: Dinner is delicious tonight Mommy.  I wish we could eat this every night.  You are so beautiful.


I’m wondering if Ross got too much heat today.  Meanwhile, I’m retrieving another bottle of wine from the basement and reveling in the fact that I’m beautiful and own a cool shirt. 

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