Friday, July 26, 2013

Living Life

Yesterday began with half a pot of coffee and Ross crabbing about running errands. Luckily, Grandma retired so I was fortunate to be able to leave Ross at her house.  While at the bank, Maisie opened the bathroom door while I was changing my tampon. Turned out she was scared of the toilet flushing. 

The day carried on with endless loads of laundry, countless dirty cups, wiping cottage cheese curds out of kitchen cabinet grooves, digging out splinters, pulling weeds, watering my basil, sending Ross to ‘digging camp’, arguing over whose turn it was to swing, Ross hitting Maisie then dumping a bowl of noodles over himself when I came after him, slicing my thumb and foot when that bowl later shattered, picking up countless pairs of pee-dampened training underwear, baking cookies in which the recipe forgot to mention flour, making pudding, Jello, ranch dressing and pizza crust. 

We played with the timer on my camera which entertained the kids for hours.  We followed up with charades in front of the fireplace before bed.  The game ended when each of the kids’ actions involved some sort of emergency bowel situation.  That’s always my clue they’ve lost interest.
Yesterday we lived life.  We yelled, we worked, we laughed, we pretended, we sang and we played.  It was a normal day.  However yesterday I watched my life and
actually saw it. 

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