Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday Night on South 5th

It all started after Mike and I snuck out on the porch after dinner to listen to the quiet.  Kratt wandered up and suddenly the robins became obnoxious.  One, in particular.  Kratts’ ears perked up and he went into Crouching-Tiger-Hidden -Dragon mode.  Crouched down with his tail low, he wouldn’t look directly at the robins, but we knew he was on the prowl.

All of a sudden, 6 robins began swooping toward Kratt, screeching and swarming him.

Sure enough, Kratt had a baby robin hanging out of his mouth.  I begged Mike to save it, yet Mike insisted this was nature and he didn’t want to kill Kratts’ spirit.  Huh?

The robins were now going completely ape.  You’d have thought the robin FBI had been called and Kratt was under the scope.  Kratt took the baby bird under a bush to finish his assassination.  Mike finally caved and decided to rescue the baby.  As he grabbed the baby robin, he noted a dead baby bird under the same bush. Mike scooped up the baby and offered it up to the robins (in his palms like he was offering his soul to the Lord).  I did what came naturally, went straight for my camera.

Mike ended up placing the bird in the crotch of the tree. (Not sure trees have crotches, but if they did, that’s where he put it).  That’s when the birds started taunting.  They screeched, they swooped down (as if they were trying to nip Kratt), they flew from one tree to the next, did everything except rescue the baby in the crotch.  I yelled “Get your baby, you idiots!”  Mike noticed one bird being extra cocky and it pissed him off.  Conveniently, Mike had an empty bottle of Summer Shandy in his hand and decided to take aim.  He flung it a few times, knocking twigs and leaves out of the tree, but no bird.  This had become war.  Eventually, he was lined up perfectly, he aimed, and he fired.  He missed the bird by a hair as the bottle shattered against the front of the porch. 

The white arrow points to the flying bottle.
Eventually, Mike surrendered and called it a night.  I think Kratt was completely confused.  Meanwhile, I don’t think we’ll be making those homemade birdfeeders off Pinterest after all.

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