Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Drawing Cards, Hoagie Buns and Money Challenge

After dropping the kids off at school, I cranked up the radio as I headed toward the gym.  The DJ started talking about playing Candy Land with his daughter and how ridiculous that game is.  There are no shortcuts, no strategies, no brainpower, nothing needed to play the game.  All you do is draw cards until you end up at the Candy Castle.  The DJ complained about how he is always rushing to get to the end of things.  During Candy Land, there is no way to rush the game.  During the game realized playing Candy Land related to life in a lot of ways, and I couldn't agree more.
Throughout our lives we are constantly rushing to get to the finish line.  Whether it's a day of school or work, a meeting, a church service, a book, a workout, and in our case, building a house.  We just want to 'get there'.
I failed to mention I listen to the 'Christian' channel when I drive.  The DJ explained how sometimes goals take longer than we want because God's not ready for us to finish yet.  There is more to learn, more to experience, more to take from the current situation... and it simply isn't time yet.  Somehow the Candy Land analogy hit home with me and I came to terms with the fact that God's not ready for us to be in our new home yet.  That, or He's not ready for us to be out of this rental house yet.  Either way, we'll move in when it's time.  And not a moment sooner.
In other news, I still haven't stepped foot in a grocery store.  I know!  Wednesday will be the big day.  I'm planning a trip to Aldi's.  Don't worry... I'll report my findings afterwards.
Meanwhile, check out 'Dinner Tonight' at the Boyd Residence. 
I pulled a package of round steak out of the freezer this morning and cooked it all day in the slow-cooker with a pack of onion soup mix and 2 cups water.  (Mom's secret recipe).
I'll shred the beef, slice some ripe olives, cook some tortillas, shred some cheese and chop some green onion for....wait for it.... Taco Wraps! 
I swear these are the best tortillas ever.  And they cost $.06 each.  They freeze awesome, cook fast and last forever.  Thank you Costco.  They're located by the hotdogs and cheese if your looking for them.
My second attempt at grocery savings today came in the form of my bread machine.
I typically make 5 to 10 hoagie sandwiches each week for lunches.  I prefer buying the bakery hoagie rolls when they are considered 'day-old' to save $1.  Doesn't always happen though and I end up paying $2.50 for the 6-count rolls.   
I prepared the recipe for Sandwich Bread in my Sunbeam bread machine.  I used the dough cycle and removed the dough after the cycle was finished.  I shaped the dough into ovals and let rest for 1-2 hours before baking.  I even 'snipped' the tops of the rolls; to look store bought of course.  I know my baking pans look hideous.  But just ignore that part.
Hoagie Rolls!
 If I can get these by Ross, I'm golden.  If not, Mike will be eating lots of sandwiches.

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