Friday, January 2, 2015

Tooth Yank and Fridges

Maisie's been wigglin' her tooth for over a month.  She was desperate to lose it.  She was beginning to think she was the last person in her class to lose a tooth.  Uggg.  "When will it fall out mom?  How many more days?" 
New Years Eve was the night.  Sure enough, her tooth had become very loose.  Mike pried his thumbnail under the tooth just enough to hear a few roots crack.  There was no turning back now; that tooth was on its way out.
Say 'goodbye' to her precious baby-teeth smile.

Yep, that's drool dripping off her chin.  I only need a rag and slight amount of her trust.  One tiny twist and the tooth was out. 
No Aunt Heather, I wasn't pinching her arm while I yanked.  I only did that to you ;)
Meanwhile, the girls decided to sleep on the refrigerator Thursday night.  They ate lunch and dinner atop the refrigerator.  Clothes for the morning had been placed behind their pillows and they tried their hardest to get comfy.  Eventually they decided to sleep on the living room floor.  I told them it was their choice. 
By morning, both managed to find their way back on top of the fridge. 
As G-funk would say, "whatever".

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