Sunday, January 25, 2015


House Updates

Our electrician has set up shop in the basement and is busy working on all the vent 'stuff'.  He's cutting vent holes in the floor and insulating 'stuff'.  I don't know what the 'stuff' is actually called, so I'm leaving it at 'stuff'.  Annoying, I know.  He will be camped out at our place until it's time to drywall.

Money Saving Challenge Updates
  • Sometimes the bread doesn't rise.
  • Cooked, dried beans smell like bowel movement after 4-5 days sealed in the refrigerator. 
  • Shopko offers awesome food bargains on Sundays.  Granted, most items expire in February, but it shouldn't be an issue.
  • A meal calendar really does work!
  • Aldi's black olives suck.
  • I don't hate Aldi's cheese or wine.
  • Being creative with leftovers is truely a gift.
  • Don't burn the pot pies.

Goose Updates
  • Saturday he tried eating Mike's poop.  I know.  So many questions.  But, the poop was outside.  Again, so many questions.  And, according to Aunt Kelly, in the dog world, when a fellow pack friend is sick, the dogs will eat the evidence so as not to let other animals see weakness in their pack.  Survival of the fittest.  So it's actually really sweet.  But Mike's not sick.
  • Goose is social. Therefore, it makes me sad to leave him alone when I'm gone most of the day.  Damn hormones.  So I've been taking him with me wherever I go.  Weird, I know.  But it works well and there's nothing like driving Mater Truck 45 mph down the highway, country 92.5 on the radio, muck boots on, windows down, with Goose curled up by my side.  It's truly a 'happy place' for me and I'm so grateful for those moments.  Speaking of which, Mike's car wouldn't start Sunday morning.  It just so happens Mike was leaving for Chicago Sunday morning.  Therefore, Mikes only option was driving the mini-van to Chicago with another co-worker, car seats and all.  Can you stand it?!  Guess that means Goose and will be driving Mater for a few days :)

  • Ross had a friend spend the night Saturday night.  All 4 kids slept in Grandma and Papa's den.  2 kids in reclining chairs, one on the couch and Molly on the ottoman.  Whatever!
  • I built the kids a bonfire and helped them roast S'mores Saturday night.  I felt like such a Girl Scout.  Did I mention it was January 24th?
  • Maisie's top tooth is loose and I'm begin to mourn her mouth.  It wont be long before her teeth come in all awkward and big.  I guess it's just a matter of time...
  • Ross suffers from OCD like nobodies business and it forces Mike and I to reminisce about our OCD issues in elementary school.  Perhaps it's some sort if rite of passage?  My hands have never been so chapped as they were in 4th grade when I had the 'germ issue'.
  • Molly is back in Pull Ups at night and seems uber-excited about it.  She's obsessed with playing Barbies and Babies and is currently wearing a Cabbage Patch cardigan. 
  • Kratt is still living with us in St. Charles and is the definition of 'scaredy cat'.  He spends his days hiding behind Grandma and Papa's headboard and only ventures outside at night.  I suppose it's instinct, but he is terrified the dog will eat him.  Perhaps we should have left his balls on?
I don't know what's more awkward in this photo.  The expression on Ross' face, the fact that Carson's standing on Ross' foot, or the duct tape which forms Ross' gun strap. 

 So many things we could choose to feel stress about.  However, were choosing to jump for joy instead.


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