Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another Evening

I was planning to come home after work and talk to each kid about their day, but Ross felt the need to shower immediately upon entering the house and hollered at me “bring me some underwear!”


I wanted to unload the dishwasher and get some water boiling for dinner but Molly decided to pull all the pots and pans out of the cupboard, fill them with water and dump loads of water across the counters.


I hoped to enjoy a glass of wine after I mopped up the counters, but Maisie decided to cry hysterically while lying on the kitchen floor, grabbing at my ankles each time I’d pass her while pointing to her tongue, yet refusing to speak.  I later found out she wanted a graham cracker.


I cooked chicken, rice and green beans for dinner, knowing it was one of their favorites, but the chicken was burnt and the rice was too sticky.  Everyone noticed.


I wanted to help Ross finish his homework, but Mike hollered down the stairs that Molly had unwrapped 6 bars of soap before throwing each one in the bathtub.


I needed to get Ross’ lunch packed for the next day, but Molly got ahold of the salt shaker and went to town.
Those wings are just her disguise

I wanted to read books to the kids before bedtime, but Ross kept telling Maisie to sit on his face and when she told him to knock it off, a war ensued.  Not long after, Maisie kept asking me what “Jake” spelled.  I told her and she replied, “NO, there is an ‘e’ on the end, YOUR LYING MOMMY!  TELL ME WHAT JAKE SPELLS FOR REAL!!


I wanted to put the kids to bed, but they opened a package of flour tortillas and smeared chewed-up tortilla bits over the couch just as a bowl of salted popcorn dumped onto the rug.  Maisie began crying that she was still hungry.  We sent her to bed with a tortilla.


I was looking forward to finally having a chance talk to Mike once the kids were down for the night, but we were both asleep by 8:30. 


Maybe tomorrow…

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