Thursday, December 27, 2012


We all have our obsessions. Right now, Sugar Plum is obsessed with that “not-so-dry feeling”. She’s always dribbled a little in her panties throughout the day and it’s never fazed her unless she wound-up chapped. Well, this is my daughter were talking about and she seems to have turned a corner.

It started when she insisted either Mike or I wipe her (after she had already wiped herself). One day it seemed as though no matter how much toilet paper we used, she complained she was still wet. Once in a while we had to resort to a hairdryer to get the job done. A week ago I came across a bottle of baby powder and thought, ‘hmmm, this might do the trick”. Sure enough she started to get that fresh feeling again with a squeeze or two of baby powder after wiping. We now have baby powder surrounding the toilets in each bathroom, but it’s been worse.

Thursday morning, baby powder wasn’t working. Nothing was working. She asked if I’d wipe her with a baby wipe because she felt “itchy”. She told me I’m a much better wiper than daddy and I couldn’t help but take the compliment with pride.

However, the baby wipe just made her feel damp again. Dang. We were running late (almost a given anymore) and I was fresh out of ideas. I said, “Fine, just pull down your pants, bend over and I’ll blow air to help you dry out”. During the blow-out, with Ross and Molly watching the production like some sort of circus act, Mike walked in and couldn’t contain his laughter. I also lost it at that moment and ended up wetting my own pants.

And these are the days of our lives…

Molly knows how to torture her sister.


Kratt just wants to stay neutral.  He's like Switzerland that way.  Meanwhile, never mind that Molly's legs look anemic.  It's just powder.

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