Sunday, December 23, 2012

Choose Joy

Here it is, Christmas Eve-Eve and everyone’s run down.  Molly’s been sick.  She’s crabby, tired, hasn’t eaten a couple days and seems to have her days and nights mixed up.  Maisie feeds on Molly’s crankiness and Ross feeds on Maisie’s sneakiness.  Oh Joy. 

Saturday morning, in the midst of checking stockings, the cat knocking over a glass of water under the Christmas tree and Maisie crabbing that her ‘she-she’ didn’t get wiped good enough, Molly threw-up 3 times in a 30 minute span. I’ve decided to leave the Green Machine rug cleaner parked in front of the fireplace as decoration.  I might hang some Christmas lights on it, not sure yet.  I’ve also decided I'm not buying cherry juice ever again.  We’re sticking with apple or white grape from here on out.  Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am for a rug cleaners and coffee?  

Despite it all, I look at my family and choose to celebrate and praise God for what I have.  I get to hold my sick, sweaty baby tight and rock her to sleep, knowing there are too many babies who won't
 get to sleep in their mommy’s arms while wrapped in their favorite blanket this Christmas. 

This year I’m finding my peace in God’s grace and in celebrating the priceless gifts we have been given. 
So I'll brew some more coffee and keep the rug cleaner handy... this Christmas I’m choosing joy.

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