Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Elf Confrontation

We saw the Billboard as we headed down Interstate 80 toward Long Grove last Friday night.  Santa was at Bass Pro Shops in Altoona through December 24.  We hadn’t had an opportunity to see Santa yet this year and I thought- ‘oooh, that’s what we should do on our way back home Sunday, depending on how the kids are doing.’

Fast forward to 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Molly woke in her car seat, restless and crying hysterically that she wanted out, Ross was crabbing that he was starving and needed to pee, Maisie was singing the hippopotamus song for the 83rd time when I suggested, ‘hey, maybe we should stop at Bass Pro Shop to see Santa.’  So we did.

As we pulled into the parking lot, it was clearly one of the busiest days of the year.  We got everyone inside, found the end of the ‘Santa line’ and waited.  While Mike took Ross to the bathroom I heard an announcement that unless you have a Bass Pass, Santa is booked for the rest of the day.  As my horns and fangs began to emerge, I watched family after family leave with their disappointed, dressed- up kids. 

Not this cat.  I looked down at Maisie who asked with a desperate look on her face, “Mommy, we can’t see Santa today?” I replied, “Don’t you worry Sugar Plum, this isn’t over till it’s over”.  Soon we made it to the front of the line when Elf Tracy asked me for my Bass Pass.  I replied that I was unaware of a Bass Pass, didn’t see any signs or advertisements about a Bass Pass and that I had been waiting in line to see Santa with my kids for quite a while and saw no mention of a Bass Pass ‘area’ to even get a Bass Pass.  Elf Tracy directed me to Elf Misty who ushered Maisie, Molly and myself onto the blue carpet where Santa sat.  She said she would just slide us in.  Before long, Mike and Ross returned from the bathroom and we had our moment with Santa. 

Did I have to exchange words with an elf to get there?  Yep.  Did my kids get to see Santa Claus as I’d promised?  You’d better believe it. 

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