Monday, October 28, 2013

A Little Faith

If I were given the opportunity to write my children an instruction manual for life, I'd be the first to admit I don't have many of the answers.  However, there is one thing I do know for sure.  One thing I want them to hold onto with all their might.  That would be their faith.  Not the kind of faith you find in a church pew, but the kind of faith that comes with taking chances and experiencing new things. 
As I watch my girls play in a leaf pile, I see what so many of us adults lose somewhere along the path of life.  My girls jump into a leaf pile with complete faith.  Faith they're going to land in the center of the pile, faith there's not something under those leaves that could be sharp...or alive, faith that that even if they don't hit their target, they'll recover and try again. 

I pray each of their lives becomes a uncommonly beautiful bouquet of experiences.  Some of the flowers in their bouquets may turn out to be weeds, some may not thrive for long as others, while some may end up being the most beautiful wildflowers they hesitated to even pick.  I want my children to have the confidence and the faith to never be afraid to try new things.  They will (as will we), miss 100% of the shots they don't take.
 Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot.

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