Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Warts, Pliers and Christmas Cards

This post begins with a stubborn wart.  A wart that's been clinging to Ross' elbow since kindergarten.  A wart that's been frozen 3 times and treated with the Winterset Montross Pharmacys' special wart potion with zero success.  According to the doctor, the next step was a dermatologist.
Meanwhile, Ross came home from school Monday with an urge to roller skate.  After lacing up his skates and making his way down the concrete steps to the driveway, he lost his balance and fell hard onto the driveway.  Smack dab on his elbow. 
  • First thought... he broke his arm.  Nope, yet there was plenty of blood.
  • Second thought... was it the 'wart elbow?'  Could he be that lucky? 
Well, this is Ross were talking about.  And yes, as fate would have it, the wart is decaying somewhere on the driveway.   We looked for it, but couldn't find it.  I'm okay with that.
Yet, Monday was far from over.  Another bodily removal was still to come.  I'll let the photos tell this story...

I love that Sugar Plum is trying to capture the moment on the Ipod.
I'm not entirely sure...
But I'm considering using one of these shots for our Christmas card. 
They capture the true essence of our family.

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