Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Adjustments and Randomness

We are all adjusting. 
The kids are tired as they adjust to sleeping in the same room.  Mike and my bed is not what we're used to and I'm still doing daily loads of laundry at the old house. 
We're learning many things too.  For instance, Netflix rocks.  I love gas ovens as much as I love sitting at a dining room table.  It's strange to finally have enough seating in the living room for everyone and recliners are amazing.  Unleavened communion bread is a hassle to make and the cost of a 6 month dental check-up is ridiculous. 
That is my random blog post for the day.  May as well enjoy some random photos too.
My communion bread attempt.  Luckily for us, Lutherans don't mind 'leavened' bread if the unleavened bread attempt flops.
My kids before school this morning.  They're really tired.
Where Moo prefers to nap these days.

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