Sunday, March 23, 2014


Wow, what a ride this has been!  Our 'old' house is empty (just don't peek in the garage) and we're occupying a 900-something square foot home.  The tv and dvd player are hooked up and needless to say, were watching our fair share of Little House on the Prairie and counting our blessings after each episode.  We'll have internet again Tuesday and I'll be excited to start posting pictures again once that happens.  I haven't actually taken many photos, but the mental images developed this week will be forever etched in my mind...
The dead mouse which laid on the basement floor while showing my kids and mother-in-law the rental house for the first time and trying my darnest not to start bawling.
Grandma Boyd painting insides of cabinets, scrubbing appliances, plunging plugged toilets and mentally visualizing rooms in the rental for possible furniture arrangements.
The college-like hangover I woke to Wednesday morning (just 1 hour before the U-Haul was to be picked up for our 'big haul').
The kids returning from spending 6 days at my parents (which I'll never be able to repay them for) to tell me they actually liked the rental better than the 'old' house.
The look on Ross' face when he realized Mike and I decided to keep Kratt at the rental instead of taking him to the country for the summer.
Maisie crying for the billionth time 'I'm hunnngrry."  As well as her new haircut from Papa Green that takes Aunt Heather and I back to 1985.
Walking into our 'old' house to clean and being overwhelmed by the smell of cat piss leaching in from the old basement walls and being grateful I don't live there anymore.
My husband (God bless him) who still amazes me with his strength, attitude, patience and uncanny ability to deal with my ever-changing mental situations.
There are many, many more images which I'll store in my heart of hearts as this process unfolds.  In the meantime, I continue to count my blessings and thank the Ingalls for their pioneer perspective on challenges while realizing I'm living more like an Olson than an Ingalls and for that, I have no complaints. 

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