Saturday, March 1, 2014

Musical Programs, Farts and Norwegian Girls

The 2nd Grade Music Program was performed Thursday evening.  Ross was NOT looking forward to it, to the point he wasn't planning to tell me when the program was scheduled.  After I found out, he begged me to let him skip it.  As the day of the program approached, things only got worse. 
He was assigned a part. 
As a dancer. 
He bawled, he pleaded, he raged and was ready to lick the floor to make himself sick for school Thursday. 
No such luck, he was going.
We found seats in the balcony and that's when it started.  Throughout the program it was as though
 someone kept crapping their pants.  The smell was horrendous to the point Mike was seriously baffled by how awful it became and was clearly seeking the culprit with a look of disgust. 
Meanwhile, my contact was out of focus the entire program and therefore, my photos turned out blurry.  Not to mention the tear gas being emitted wasn't helping my cause either.
None the less, Ross survived the 2nd Grade Music Program.  I reminded him at least he wasn't in the front row with itchy balls like last year.
Ross ponders where we are sitting. 
The dance begins.
After returning to the bleachers, he looked straight at us with this expression.
Each student wore a sailing hat.  Grandma was the first to notice Ross wore his sideways like a Norwegian girl. 

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