Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dog Collars and Cinderella

Maisie made us collars.  Apparently everything we do revolves around dogs anymore.  She made Molly and my collar out of paper and scotch tape.  It was awful tight and my neck was sweaty.  I tried my hardest to keep from swallowing or turning my head for fear I'd rip the collar off.  I felt like a dog.

Maisie's collar was made of a blue ribbon she found behind Grandma's couch.  I later found out she made the collars so we'd look like Cinderella... not dogs.  My mistake.
If you recall, Cinderella wears a blue ribbon around her neck and it's lovely. 
I've always told Maisie she's a real princess.  It pisses Ross off each time I tell her, so I'm gonna to keep doing it.  I like to keep him guessing. 

This was our 'vogue' pose. 
Molly doesn't know what that means yet, apparently Maisie does. 

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