Wednesday, August 27, 2014

House Update, Goose and Redi Whip

It feels like we finally hit a milestone.  Of course we chose the hottest days of the year to do it, but it's done.  Mike agreed to lay infloor heating in our house.  Apparently, it's the only way to go these days.  Did I mention Mike agreed to lay it 'on his own' and that he's never laid infloor heating before?  Luckily, he knows a guy who basically invented the system (not really, but you get the point).  This guy gave Mike a little tutorial, then it was up to Mike and I to complete the job.  Oh yeah, the kids and 2 dogs were with us the whole time too.  Toward the end of the 3 day journey, Molly wouldn't leave my side, Maisie was constantly barefoot and Ross was obsessed with a paragon falcon that found it's way into Papa's shed.  Ross informed me paragon falcons are the fastest animal and can fly 200 mph.  Isn't that incredible?  After consulting Grandmas "Birds of Iowa" book, he determined it was actually a baby hawk.  It's leg color gave it away. 

Anyway, the flooring process began like a game of Tetris.  We cut 4-inch thick foam boards into desired shapes and fit them together like a puzzle.  Ross' new machete came in handy for that job.  My next assignment was to scrape all loose rocks, pea gravel and mud off the edge of the foundation and sweep clean.  Then I was to cut 4-inch strips of 1-inch thick foam board and caulk them onto the foundation edge.  I'm told this helps hold heat in the house so it can't escape out the concrete walls. Then it was a matter of stapling loops of radiant tubing across the foam board.  All I can say about the process is that it's done.
What does this mean?  It means that we're finally ready to pour a floor!  The concrete guys will pour as soon as they can, however it appears rain is forecast for what feels like the rest of my life.  Go figure.  After it's poured, we can bring in our framer.
We celebrated with drinks.  Ross chose a can of Redi Whip instead.
Molly drank about 32 oz of Kool Aid and Maisie just chose to drink her spit.
This is rediculous.
Seriously Ross, get a grip.
The sugar just hit her.
Maisie's content hanging out with Goose on a tailgate.

To be fair, Goose is just as content to hang out with her.
That's my man.  Nipples poking through his signature wife beater while analyzing some detail I'll probably never know about.  God love him.

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