Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Embracing Change

I'm trying to be better at embracing change.  I'm trying to be more accepting of the way things are.  It is what it is.  Sort of like Molly's birthday breakfast.  I'm sure Ross' 4th birthday breakfast was something I made a fuss about.  I know I bought donuts for Maisie's 4th birthday.  Both had wrapped gifts ready for them at breakfast.  The photos I took of Molly's 4th birthday morning crack me up.  Just goes to show how things change.

She had to wait to open her gifts until later that night.  They were wrapped in construction paper and stickers as I was fresh out of gift wrap and tape.
 No one in sight for the birthday candles except for Mom with a camera while dads busy making oatmeal in his wife beater.  Happy Birthday Moo!
Not to mention she had to eat off a paper plate and the mountain of sprinkles made the pancakes too crunchy to eat.  Waste of chocolate chunks if you ask me.
It is what it is. 
The house-building feels like it's moving at a snails pace.  I'm hoping the framing can start by the end of the month.  Fingers crossed.  Meanwhile, poor cousin Laura had to witness her first live bat... inside our rental house Friday night.  Of course Mike and Ross were camping for the evening and I was on my own with 3 little girls.  Again, Happy 4th Moo!  I didn't scream... I shrieked.  Which didn't help calm the girls down one bit.  It was terrifying and I'm confident Laura was traumatized, but the bat managed to fly out on its own.  I'm trying to be grateful we have shelter as well as the fact that, 'this too shall pass'.
Embrace Change.
Wednesday I realized we have 1 week before school starts for Ross and Maisie.  Molly has 2 weeks.  I'm struggling to embrace this concept.  As much as my kids drive me bonkers, I truly do like them.  And I'm slowly beginning to dread the day I walk them to school and have to walk back home alone. 
So in the meantime, we're visiting as many of our favorite summer 'hot spots' as we can.
Believe it or not, the chicken coop at the Historical Center was extremely popular for the Boyd children this summer.  Of course Ross found a hole in the chicken wire and was able to get a closer view. 
They sure have grown.  Both the chicks and the kids.
I can't get over the feathers on some of the chicken feet.  What is that all about?  Slippers?
 Another interesting pose brought to you by M&M.
Maisie did a little tree-modeling.
 Love this little girl.

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