Monday, August 18, 2014

One and Only Shot

Due to the fact that we've had yet another bat in the house (bat #3 was in the kids' room while they slept), the fact that anger toward the rental house mounts each time we try to exit the back door and realize the configuration is nearly impossible to pass through with kids trailing you, the fact that showering in the moldy RV shower leaves us feeling like we need to take shower, the fact that I have to close our bedroom air vent so the 'old kennel' smell from the basement doesn't drift up leaving me nauseas and mad, the fact that... oh this could go on forever and I'm working on gratitude so I'll stop.  Besides, I believe I've made my point.  We're totally over this renting business.
So with that as well as trying to keep my eye on the prize, I took it upon myself to take a 'one and only' photo.  A photo of my kids standing in front of the future front porch.  Why one and only you ask?  Because the view directly behind the kids will no longer be visible while standing on the front porch.  Because it wont be long before an actual, real live house will blocking the view.

And that thought makes it worth it.

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