Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Good Book

Every once in a while you find one.

A book you can't put down. 

You finish the book and discover another one by the same author. 

It's just as good as the first. 

The author has lots of books on the library shelf and suddenly it's like another world has opened up. 

Ross discovered Peg Kehret.  I imagine she's the R.L. Stine of this age.  He's hooked.
Tuesday he checked out Ghost Grave.  Tuesday night he read Ghost Grave before dinner, after dinner and skipped 'The Office' with me in order to read. 
Wednesday morning, he ignored breakfast to read Ghost Grave.  He finished Ghost Grave while sitting in the mini-van of the school parking lot before school Wednesday. 
He wanted to finish it before school started so he could get to the library to check out another one. 
I think 'The Blizzard' is next.
I'm finishing up an awesome book by Kimberly McCreight called 'Reconstructing Amelia'.  It's a murder/suicide/lesbian/bullying/gang type book.  Along the same disturbing tone as Gone Girl.  I can't put it down. 
Unless I have soup to make, of course.
For the love of books...

1 comment:

  1. I love Peg Kehert's books and would highly recommend Abduction for Ross next. So so so good!
