Monday, April 20, 2015

Our Girl is 7

Since Ross was born, Mike and I have celebrated 20 kid-birthdays.  Not all, but many have been 'friend-parties'.  I still can't figure out why we as parents put ourselves through it.  We actually sign up for it the day invitations go out.  As each invitation is sealed and delivered, the thought of 'Here Goes Nothing' runs through my mind. 
However, according to me, the definition of 'Mom' is sacrifice.  We sacrifice our bodies while they form in our womb, we sacrifice our comfort during childbirth, we sacrifice sleep, nice clothes, salon haircuts, long showers, fancy meals, careers, nipples and on and on and on...  Another sacrifice comes each year on a child's birthday.  As a mom, I feel the need to go above and beyond to make my children feel ultra-special.  It's the celebration of their birth for crying out loud! 
Therefore, each year my children decide they want a birthday party, by golly I'll do everything in my power to give it to them.  I'm the mom... I can do this. 
Maisie decided on a Mermaid Themed Party this year.  Games were Mermaid Races, a Treasure Hunt, A Tape Ball filled with Candy Bars, Pin the Tail on the Mermaid and a Chum Toss.  Thank God I don't work outside of the home.
Did I mention it rained all day?  Did I mention the party had to be inside our 700 square foot rental house?  Did I mention 8 girls showed up?  With my 3 love bugs, that makes 11 kids.  Lord have mercy.  I was later told Maisie told her friends I was making mermaid tails for each of the girls to take home and wear.  No wonder everyone showed up.  If they knew they were only getting a ring pop, we may have had a smaller crowd.  Who knows.
Below.  The girls on the Treasure Hunt around the rental. 
Ross being tackled by the girls.  I'm sure he hated it. ;)
The Mermaid Cake.  Thank God Skipper's legs are shorter than Barbies.  Barbies knees only came up to the top of the cake.  Skipper also has not gone through puberty.  Her breasts are only buds which made it much easier to make a bandeau bikini top for her.
I love this girl.  She's the one who ate everyone's leftover cake and ice cream off their plates.  She also licked the bikini top of Skipper.  She then asked for more ice cream.  Reminds me of myself in elementary school on fried chicken hot-lunch day.
Ross was not to be left out.
Believe it or not, only 2 girls started crying after this attack.
Ross posing half-naked with the little girl from Brazil who doesn't speak English but loved playing with the pink rifle.  There are no words.
Again, so many things I could comment on.
By the way, Maisie received 2 of these types of dolls.  This particular one has a bolt going through her neck... WTF?
Maisie's best friends in 1st Grade.
Many guests left with a balloon in their shirt.  I told each of their parents, 'It must have been quite a party, several girls are leaving pregnant!'
Maisie's best friend Delaney was able to make it to her party.  I found this on the easel Monday morning.  Best friends are the best.  So glad she found one.
Until next year...

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