Monday, April 6, 2015


I don't know why the phrase "He Has Risen!" kinda drove me nuts this year.  I get that Jesus disappeared from the tomb after His death and rose into heaven, just as He said He would.  I wasn't feeling anti-Easter by any means.  I love Easter.  I love the way eggs symbolize new life and the bright colors symbolize the coming of spring.  I love Easter baskets (my kids used plastic sacks), girly Easter dresses (thanks for those GG) and the 'hunt' that precedes sticky-chocolate fingers.  I have nothing but fond memories of Easter and I know my kids will as well.  My kids have never attended church on Easter Sunday. 
Not because I don't want them to or because I have anything against it, but it just doesn't work out for us. 
Once again, the Greens came up from the Quad Cities and met the Schulz' and us at the Ramada Inn Waterpark in Des Moines.  The kids got to swim together and we got to drink together.  It was a win-win.  We realized the kids have gotten so independent, we're finally able to talk and get to know each other again.  I think I might kinda like em after all! 
So, once again we didn't make it to Easter church services.  "He Has Risen".  Not to be ignorant, but was there any doubt He would this year?  He rose 2000 years ago (give or take).  It'd be like saying "She's been born!" each year on Maisie's birthday. The bottom line is, He died and rose 2000 years ago in order to give us eternal life.  That's how much He loves us.  And He didn't even know us!  I don't think we can even comprehend that depth of love on earth.  Do I think God is angry we didn't make it to Easter services?  Do I think God feels I'm ungrateful because I find the 'risen' statement to be unsurprising? 
I believe God loves seeing us just 'be' together.  I believe Jesus sacrificed his life so we could enjoy ours.  So we could love and truly know one another.  So we could share and enjoy one another.  To laugh, eat, drink, play and love each other. 
As far as I'm concerned, that's the whole purpose.  As far as church.  'Do kids like sitting though church?'  My response, 'How does God feel about kids?'  I believe my point has been made.
I'm still young and my opinions on this could all change; however at this point in my life the below photos are my church.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
GG giving Egg Hunt Directions and Aunt Heather laughing.
Cole wondering when the directions will finally end
Zach barking back
The girls found an egg they couldn't reach
This was spotting flying above us
It was just Eric videotaping the Egg Hunt
My little optical illusion photo I didn't plan
Cole and Ross.  I think Cole could be a hurdler someday
Safe or not safe.  You make the call
Tim kicks
And Mike makes sure he's out.
A few of my favorite girls
He Has Risen!

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